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Changes in Urine RM examination over time

Can we do urine routine examination (urine RM test) after few hours, like after 8 hours or so? Yes we can do if there is no option, like in cases of pediatric patients. They have difficulty in passing urine, so mother’s collect the urine whenever the child passes, like at night, and then the urine

On-site Corporate Employees Annual Health Checkup Camp Services in Ahmedabad

Qline Diagnostics is one of the top diagnostic center in Ahmedabad offering corporate health checkup camps for the companies. Many company’s offer on-site or off-site (at our location) employee health checkup camps for the goodwill / wellbeing of their manpower – Annual, preemployment or as an when needed. We offer various camp activities for the

HLA B27 Test in Ahmedabad – Flowcytometry and PCR

HLA-B27 test is used to detect Class I MHC protein in the body which is the genetic marker for spondyloarthritides. Around 90% of patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS Back pain, 10% false negative) has this test positive in contrast to only 8% of normal people (false positive) will have this test positive. It is done